
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cami & Clinton : Just Because Session

Talk about being M.I.A. from the B.L.O.G. lately! The holiday season was good to us, and we were able to spend some much needed time with our families, friends, each other...and our pillows. We will post a blog recounting the whole delightful experience, but for now, our focus is on Cami and Clinton.

I'm not sure why I labeled this session as "Just Because"; I suppose it sort of is, but it goes a little further than that. I should have a tag called "Just Because...we're having a baby" or something. I guess "Maternity" would suffice also, but that word kind of makes me shudder for some reason. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. :)

It's hard to put into words the union that is Cami and Clinton. And I mean that in the most loving way. They are two unique individuals, so together, they are quite the remarkable pair. Cami is one of my closest girl friends, and I can truly say that our relationship has withstood several peaks and valleys. Through the course of our friendship, I've watched Cami morph into the person that she is today - and I happen to like that person a whole lot. :) 

Cami and Clinton's marriage has recently become a testament of trust, acceptance and support as Clinton enlisted in the Navy this past Fall. They now live in South Carolina, where Clinton will finish his training. With a baby on the way, it wasn't the easiest move, but through this situation, Cami's devotion and encouragement for her husband has been both strong and admirable. 

Stories like Cami and Clinton's make me giddy. :) Here is a husband who loves his family and proves it by making a decision that will provide a comfortable lifestyle for them. And here is a wife who stands by her man and appreciates his dedication and love. Doesn't it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy? 

Enough of the babble. Cami and Clinton - you guys are fantastic, and I loved being able to photograph your love, and your little nameless child. :) I hope you enjoy these images; I have rewarded your patience with a few extra on the post. ;)

Check out a few from our shoot at beautiful Lake Aurora:

The sun and I were BFF this day.


Told you.


Can this much cuteness fit into one frame?


The spiders were abundant here, but this shot made it all worth it.


The pregnant "glow!"


Ben's favorites.




I just love this.


Cams, you look fierce.


The giddiness is taking over a bit.


There's something extremely serene about this image.


I don't think I could actually choose a favorite from the day, but let's say that these last 2 are in my top 5.



Anonymous said...

Awesome pics of two really great people! I especially like the one where both pair of hands are on Cami's belly. Awwwww - you guys are so cute! :)

Mama T (Morrow)

Anonymous said...

I am glad Clint found his place in life. I am so happy for him and Cami! The pictures look great by the way!!!

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed seeing these pictures. I don't think I ever saw Clint before, but great pictures of Cami and of him. And fun to see the spots at Lake Aurora where you took them!